The title of this post seems appropriate. I began school as a computer science major, and "Hello, World" is the typical first line of output coders begin with. I changed my major to German and spent an academic year studying abroad in Austria, which was my introduction to a much larger (or should I say smaller?) world. I went on for my MA in English and have been writing ever since--more or less.
The bond between each of those areas of study, at least in my mind, is syntax. In programming, there is little or no room for error or your application will crash. In a foreign language, an improperly conjugated verb may earn you a strange look, but your message will most likely get across. In fiction, I can do whatever the hell I want and call it art; the problem with that is everyone else might call it crap instead. Considering I hope for writing to become a significant portion of my livelihood, I may end up having to expend more effort than writing a line of code or searching my vocabulary für einen fehlerlosen Satz zu bilden. My writing needs to be as flawless as I can possibly make it.
I feel the overall title of the blog is also relevant, because I'll be the first to admit that I'm rather new (relatively) to this writing gig, which would also make me rather clueless.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have some writing to do.
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